
An Outstanding Era Has Ended

    8/24 - It was not long ago that six young men with an appetite for knowledge, and a thirst for booze became roommates in the then little known Apartment 152.  No one could have guessed that in a years time their union would cause them to mature with grace and dignity, and transform them into the gentlemen they are today.

    Unfortunetely, it is now time to bid Apartment 152 farewell. And while the roommates separation is disheartening, each of them is at ease in the memories that they shared together.  Who among them could ever forget the rowboat, the BBQ's, or the scandalous parties?  Not to mention beer towers, shot-gunning, and Tony Hawk.

    As a final gesture, we'd like to thank all who gathered here at our beloved Apartment, and wish them well in the future.  And don't forget to stop by our Apartment next year! Please email your comments and suggestions to: